Your French teacher

Delighted, it’s Daria, your French teacher behind La French Zone

So you want to know more about this online French school? You are right, curiosity is a very good quality! Especially to learn a new language.

If we were to meet over coffee, here’s what I would tell you: I’m French-Polish, I’m in my thirties, I love traveling and I love animals even more, especially my dog Sonny and my cat Nala. Literature nourishes me every day and the love of my life is French. (Shh, you shouldn’t tell my husband).

Since 2019, I have been teaching French to pass on my passion and help foreigners integrate into France, like me.

I was in your place one day...

Yes, you read that right! I am Franco-Polish and nothing predestined me to teach French.

Wait, I’ll tell you the story. Go get your coffee and make yourself comfortable.

Once upon a time, 7-year-old Daria cried at the thought of saying “hello” to her grandparents. Curled up in a ball, I couldn’t imagine that I was going to have to learn a whole new language for a whole new life.

Yes, a few months later, my family had to move to Belgium for my father’s work. I might as well tell you that Polish wasn’t going to be of much use to me. Fortunately, I immediately fell in love with French! In 6 months, I spoke it (almost) fluently and my best friends spoke with me in the language of Molière.

When I returned to Poland at age 11, I HAD to continue speaking French and learn more about the country’s culture. It was almost a lack.

Here is what I did to make it part of my daily life:

My middle school and high school were in French and I took a literature and languages baccalaureate in French and English.
2012 - 2013
L1 and L2
I am doing higher studies in L1 and L2 Applied Linguistics in French, Arabic and Spanish to move towards translation.
2012 - 2013
Au pair
After my L2, I went to France as an au pair for a year. In the end, I never came back and today I live in Brittany. Kenavo!*
Master FLE
I obtained a Master 2 - FLE at the University of Nantes in 2020.
Permanent contract in Nantes
In Nantes, I took French lessons for foreigners (yes, like you) before obtaining a permanent contract in the same school. I then became a FLE (French as a Foreign Language) teacher and I taught an A1 group to help them progress towards the B1 level. I also give individual lessons.
I work at the OFII (French Office for Integration and Immigration). I help migrants learn French and integrate into France. I also did exam correction there.
La French Zone
I created La French Zone! And tadam, the story still remains to be written! And you can even be one of the protagonists.

*Kenavo is a Breton word which means goodbye.

Being a non-native French teacher is a strength.

I’ve been in your shoes, I know what it’s like to learn a new language from A to Z.

I understand how frustrating it is to feel like you’re not moving forward. I know how hard it is to remember all those vocabulary words only to realize 3 days later that you only remember five.

I’ve been there, and no, you don’t have the memory of a goldfish.
Learning is not always easy and I will never tell you otherwise.

I’m here to support you with fun lessons, exercises that motivate you and make you want to improve (without hating grammar too much).

Excellent and varied courses for learning French

Learning French isn't easy every day, but it's possible!

If I managed to learn French and integrate into this beautiful country, then I know you are capable too. I’m here to motivate you throughout your adventure and keep you from giving up.

I am your cheerleader behind the screen and your French teacher who will make you love subjunctive conjugation. Yes yes.

Why am I telling you all this?

Because today we tend to want things to go quickly. Impatience somewhat defines our century and our society. But when it comes to learning a new language, time and dedication are your best friends for seeing rapid progress.

Learning French is a great new adventure as long as you jump in with both feet*. It’s a bit like a relationship: the more you open up and get involved, the more beautiful your story will be.

*Sauter à pieds joints means acting with enthusiasm, completely and without restraint.

The values behind the French Zone

Did you know that French is, along with English, the only language spoken on all continents? Which means that 321 million people use it! That makes for some great people, doesn’t it? And you will soon be part of the club!

I always wanted to teach, but I wanted to do things my way so that my passion could be found on the other side of the screen.

Here are the founding pillars of my online French school:

Honesty and sincerity

I will never tell you that learning French is simple and effortless. It's possible, of course. But you won't find crazy, too-good-to-be-true promises at La French Zone.

It's like a relationship: you have to put effort into it to live the most beautiful story of your life. (And don't leave everything at the first argument about the fact that the cat prefers you).


I encourage you throughout your learning and I am here to listen to you moan when you have to learn definite and indefinite articles.

My classes are all designed to be fun and enjoyable to follow. I promise, you won't relive your high school classes with that boring teacher.


You are unique. Your classes too. After the first free call of around fifteen minutes, I build your training course according to your needs, your level and your gaps.
I closely follow the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CERL) to work on your speaking and writing, and I continually enrich my lessons, my materials and my sessions.

Stop flirting with French, build a real relationship with her.

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