Prepare yourself in the best conditions

Preparation for DELF/DALF

Want to pass your DELF/DALF exam in French?
Join my personalized preparation courses to prepare yourself thoroughly. With a solid methodology, adapted resources and attentive follow-up, I’m committed to help you obtaining your DELF/DALF certificate.
Together, we’ll work on the skills you need at each level, eliminated your weaknesses and consolidate what you’ve learned. Let’s work together to achieve your aim confidently and effectively!

Prepare for your DELF/DALF with peace of mind


0 course hours
0 months to succeed
0 mock exams


Why choose DELF / DALF Preparation with La French Zone ? 🫶🏼

Prepare successfully for the DELF/DALF in French with me. Let’s work together to achieve your certification goal with confidence and expertise! I offer you a tailor-made preparation.

It's all very easy

I use Zoom and Google classroom as learning platforms

Practice all skills

3 hours of lessons per week (1h30 of French lessons in general + 1h30 of dedicated exam preparation + 3 mock exams)

Affordable rates

Quality courses at affordable prices (payment in instalments is available if you wish)

A teacher just for you

One-to-one lessons tailored to your needs


0 success rate


0 success rate


0 success rate

DALF / DELF exam preparation 🇫🇷

100% personalized one-to-one lessons by exam type

36h package

  • 18h French lesson in general
  • 18h DELF/DALF preparation course
  • 36 hours of lessons (total)
  • Payment in instalments possible

A free 15-minute meeting to discuss how to achieve your goals.

  • Not sure of your French?
  • Not sure which course to take?
  • Would you like to know how the courses are run?

Ce sont des diplômes qui permettent de valider officiellement un niveau en langue française. Ils sont délivrés par le Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale, sont valables à vie et sont reconnus dans le monde entier.

Ils peuvent te permettre de travailler, d’étudier et même d’immigrer dans les pays francophones. 

Par exemple :
– Le DELF B1 est demandé pour obtenir la nationalité française.
– Le DELF B2 voir le DALF C1 sont demandés pour intégrer l’université en France.

Il existe un diplôme pour chacun des niveaux CECRL (Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les Langues) : DELF A1, DELF A2, DELF B1, DELF B2, DALF C1 et DALF C2.

L’examen se divise en quatre natures d’épreuves (production écrite, production orale, compréhension écrite, compréhension orale) et dure plus ou moins longtemps en fonction du niveau. L’objectif étant d’obtenir au minimum un résultat total de 50/100 et au moins 5/25 à chaque nature d’épreuve.

Download my free E-book

In your ebook you will find :

  • French cinema classics
  • Podcasts
  • Quizzes
  • And lots of other surprises

Here’s a bonus tip: French confidence comes with practice, so download this ebook and you’ll be well on your way.

Excellent and varied courses for learning French

My solutions to help you gain confidence in French

Designed to accompany you at your own place and according to your specific objectives, to help you progress towards fluent, confident communication in French.

Conversation workshop

One hour a week to give you confidence in speaking French

Join my 100% online courses!
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