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To improve your French

Online French courses to become independent and flourish in your work and life in France. Fr

Stop being Frenchzoned* and live the love story of your dreams with France and its culture.

Progress in French with visible results quickly and feel comfortable in your new job thanks to personalized and fun French lessons. Even if the grammar makes you want to tear your hair out.

*Frenchzoned: you love this blue-white-red country but your love is one-way. Learn French to hold a conversation with your (future) new friends and colleagues without looking up every word on your phone. And don’t be sidelined in your job anymore.

Here’s how I can help you progress so that you find your place in France.

French courses tailored to your needs

Learn French and the culture of the country to build your life here

I promise, you don’t need to eat frog legs to feel like a real Frenchy!

Learning French is not always easy.

Especially when you find yourself alone in front of this lesson on past participles or vocabulary lists of 145 words to remember. Beginner or intermediate, all my online French courses are there to motivate you, support you and give you the tools to progress in learning the language.

I also help you integrate into France with culture courses to understand all the specificities of the country. To feel comfortable here, we see together the professional codes at work, the French traditions but also the social codes. You will have everything to truly feel at home.

I am your private French teacher and your cheerleader behind the screen.

Each class is unique, like you! Depending on your knowledge, your strengths and your desires, I prepare personalized exercises for you that adapt exactly to what you need to progress quickly.

It’s the French who will fall in love with you.

I teach 100% online or directly at your home in Morbihan (56) or Finistère (29).

Pass the DELF/DALF certification with flying colors thanks to this support specially designed to prepare you for the exam.

I am by your side until you graduate.

Guaranteed learning without boring lessons or jaw-dropping yawns.

Conversation workshops to practice French

Nothing better than speaking a foreign language to progress quickly in speaking.

These workshops are there to improve your speaking skills and learn more about French culture.

One hour per week we
chat, we exchange and we have a good time together. Come on, it’s your little accent that makes it all so charming.

You don't know which French course to choose?

Book a free 15-minute appointment.

This will be an opportunity to ask me all your questions about the course of my courses, the exercises I give and the resources provided.

You can also ask me what is the most typical thing people do in the office.
(Pour ton information, c’est la pause-café pour papoter de sujets liés au travail, mais surtout
of his weekend).

I will also analyze your level to advise you on the package that best suits your needs.

The French Zone: much more than just French lessons.

Learning French online with La French Zone is above all:

Personalized lessons

Each lesson is personalized according to your level of French, your knowledge and your objectives. We cover all aspects of the language: oral and written expression as well as written and oral comprehension, to guarantee you complete mastery of French. All you have to do is take part in the famous “chocolatine” VS “pain au chocolat” debate that divides the north and south of the country to feel truly French.

Courses to understand French culture

At work or in interactions with friends, each country has its own traditions. And France is no exception to the rule. To master the codes of the professional environment and flourish in the job of your dreams, we can do specific lessons to familiarize you with French habits in business. Métro-boulot-dodo* is yours!
*Métro-boulot-dodo is a French expression for everyday routine.

A regular practice

The French language is alive. I am convinced that it is by using it regularly, orally and in writing, that you will be able to really make it your own and discuss fluently. I promise, you'll only want to watch French films and series after our classes.

Offers that match your needs

Before starting your journey with La French Zone, I make sure to direct you to the offer that best suits your specific needs and your personal and professional objectives.

Stimulating and fun courses

As a FLE teacher since 2019, I build dynamic lessons where motivation and enthusiasm are at the heart of my way of teaching. Even if your learning is done online, I am here for you throughout your journey...with the added bonus of puns and jokes to lighten the mood.

Online learning (but not necessarily)

With a dedicated platform on Google Classroom, you will be able to find all the resources, lessons recorded via Zoom and the possibility of submitting homework. You can learn French from anywhere and whenever you want. I adapt to you. I can also give French lessons at your home, or mine, in the region of Lorient, Quéven and in the surrounding towns in Finistère and Morbihan.

Your French teacher

Behind the French Zone: Daria, love matcheuse between you and the French.

French and me are a true love story that began when I was 7 years old. Polish parents, a move to Belgium and it was love at first sight.

This language and this culture have become obvious.
Since then, I have kept the flame alive with passion and I am here for you to live your own love story with this beautiful language and French heritage.

My free e-book to improve your French conversations

Would you like to be more comfortable when it comes to talking to your new colleagues or friends?
Download this e-book to discover:

  • My advice as a French teacher to really improve your speaking skills through concrete exercises.
  • The podcasts that I recommend to gain confidence in your oral practice.
  • French films which are great classics to watch to immerse yourself in the country’s culture. And other surprises.

They've taken the plunge, why shouldn't you?

Here is what my students say about our lessons.

French for professional integration

Turn your high school crush into an official relationship: love French like never before.

I would never promise you that I would learn French in just three weeks using miracle (and somewhat questionable) techniques.

On the other hand, I can guarantee you that I will stay by your side throughout this great adventure of learning a language and the traditions of a country. For several weeks or a few months, I will do everything I can to support you in your professional and personal integration. Without ever letting you give up. Or hate French.

The blog

The French Zone blog

The place for the curious, extra hot croissants to enjoy your reading.

How to learn French online? I’m sharing my tips with you.

Cultural differences in France at work

Online group course or individual online courses ?

La vie en France pour les expatriés

Life in France for expatriates.

Quels jeux pour apprendre le français en ligne Mes conseils.

What games to use for learning French online ? My advice.

Pourquoi Apprendre le Français en Ligne

Why learn French online?

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